Ecological, economic and social sustainability

Kalaidos UAS contributes to sustainable development by recognising far-reaching aspects of ecological, economic and social sustainability and taking these into account in its work both at the higher level and in the departments, courses and research projects.
The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" at the UN General Assembly in 2015 led to the implementation of policy goals and measures in many countries to stimulate sustainable development of society, business and the interaction with nature (United Nations, 2020).
The Federal Council adopted these goals and presented a catalogue of measures for Switzerland in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". The political framework was created in order to be able to achieve and report the sustainability goals (Swiss Confederation, 2021).
For the universities, these goals mean a challenge for university management, teaching and research. In the report "Sustainable development at Swiss universities - an overview", Swiss universities describe the current situation (swissuniversities, 2020). The range of actions at Swiss universities is wide and the measures are diverse. Some universities are pro-active and are publishing their sustainability strategy and corresponding reporting.

Sustainable development at Kalaidos UAS - Strategy

The sustainability strategy refers to "Creating Opportunities", the guiding principle of the mission of the Kalaidos Education Group. The sustainability strategy should therefore also include equal opportunities and the complementary educational offerings of Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences.

Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences

Jungholzstrasse 43
8050 Zurich
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