Start August 2023
6 semesters


Icon Business Administration
up to 80 % professional employment possible – minor loss of income for students
Icon Tax Law
High practical relevance
Practice and transfer-oriented studies: Students work on topics from their own field of practice
Icon Customer Experience
Experienced lecturers
Lecturers from the field with sound professional, methodological and didactic competence

Developing the practice with the cardiotechnical studies

The Master in Cardiovascular Perfusion focuses on clinical-technical skills in invasive cardiac therapy. You will develop and expand your competence to become a clinical perfusionist.

Perfusion technology expert with heart, head and hand

The MAS FH Cardiovascular Perfusion enables you to train as a cardiovascular technician at university level. In addition to in-depth specialist knowledge, the course of study takes up current national and international procedures and shows you how modern cardiovascular technology can be established in your company. The course meets the requirements of the European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (EBCP) and provides you with international skills in the field of cardiovascular technology.

MAS FH in Cardiovascular Perfusion - successful combination of theory and clinical experience

The Master's degree is geared towards practice in invasive heart therapy and expands your medical-technical competence as a specialist in clinical perfusion. The education for cardiotechnicians, which is unique in Switzerland, builds on your professional experience and previous knowledge. It is conducted in English; all materials and documents are translated into English.

Admission requirements

  • Completed studies at university or university of applied sciences
  • Professional education and training qualification and sufficient professional experience in a vocational field of relevance to the continuing education, and appropriate scientific knowledge
  • Extraordinary admission: individual examination by the admission committee
  • Postgraduate studies in intensive, emergency or anaesthesia care
  • Prospect of internship in the field of cardiovascular perfusion
  • Individuals without appropriate prior knowledge are to complete an admission module in advance for courses at DAS/MAS level

Other admission routes and detailed information about the admissions requirements can be found on the Department of Health information page.

The postgraduate course MAS FH in Cardiovascular Perfusion has been developed to enable qualified professionals in Cardiovascular Perfusion (CP) to achieve an officially recognised degree. In cardiac surgery, sophisticated techniques are being increasingly developed to support the functions of the heart and the lungs. Alongside the demand for detailed expertise, there is a tendency towards minimal-invasive procedures, which can be applied more often. This constantly changes the technical environment, the requirements and the relationship with patients. The course with its Certificate of Accreditation is conceptualised in order to fulfil to the requirements of the European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (EBCP)

The postgraduate course in Cardiovascular Perfusion is geared towards surgical practice and encourages and extends the competencies of the professional CP, respectively of the Cardiovascular Perfusion. The competencies are targeted to the work activity in the practice of heart-and-lung-support in the hospital and in the out-patient setting. The MA degree includes the certificate of the EBCP (European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion).

Stempel ECBP

Collaboration of hospitals

Swiss hospitals with cardiac surgery have decided to provide apprenticeship places for the MA FH of Advanced Studies in Cardiovascular Perfusion (MAS CP) across language borders. On the 8th of July 2015, the cooperation between hospitals and Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences has been celebrated with representatives of the hospitals at a “kick off” event.

Awarding degree

Master of Advanced Studies Kalaidos FH in Cardiovascular Perfusion

âž” Course Content

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to start with the studies at the Careum School of Health without being employed as a Perfusionist?

Yes, however, according to our admission requirements, at the time of registration you must show the prospect of internship in the field of Cardiovascular Perfusion.

Can I start at any time or are the modules built on each other?

Yes, you can start later in the programme. However, we do not recommend to start after the beginning of module 4.

Does the Careum School of Health Master Diploma include the Certification of the European Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (EBCP)?

Yes, the school program is accredited by the EBCP as well as by the Swiss Confederation, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

When do the course modules start?

All the modules days of class are listed in the course programme (see download section on the right). Students without a Bachelor Degree have to complete the admission module «Research Results».

What fees apply for international students?

International MAS CP students pay per module CHF 2'300.00, for the master thesis CHF 5'000.00 and an application fee of CHF 300.

Logo Careum Hochschule Gesundheit Gloriastrasse 18a
8006 Zürich
Programme Director
Manuel Iafrate

Manuel Iafrate

To the profile
Age | Cardiovascular Perfusion | Chronically Ill | Health | Nursing
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Co-Director MAS in Cardiovascular Perfusion
Florian Fehlmann

Florian Fehlmann

To the profile
Age | Cardiovascular Perfusion | Chronically Ill | Health | Nursing
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