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The Kalaidos Blog highlights practice-relevant issues relating to various topics from the fields of business, management and law - from A for accounting to T for tourism.

The blog articles bundle information on cutting-edge topics from various industries, offer inspiring interviews and discuss trends. Let yourself be surprised by the great variety of topics, the in-depth knowledge and the useful tools for your professional practice.

Are you interested in the healthcare sector? Then we recommend the Careum Blog with content from our Department of Health.

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Kalaidos Blog

Jungholzstrasse 43
8050 Zurich

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Financial Management
Project Management


Blog posts (2)

Digitales Projektmanagement

Der neue, digital-agile Projektmanager (2/3)

Der Umgang mit virtuellen Projektteams bedarf einer komplexen Kombination von Kompetenzen.

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Banking | Business Management | Digitalization | Financial Management | Human Resource Management | Leadership | Leadership | Project Management | Self Leadership
Digitales Projektmanagement

Der neue, digital-agile Projektmanager (1/3)

Digital-agiles Projektmanagement ist der Weg in die Zukunft.

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Banking | Business Management | Digitalization | Financial Management | Project Management
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