Eugene Choi Dozentin
Klavier Klassik Hauptfach
Deutsch, Englisch, Koreanisch
- Dozentin an der Kalaidos Musikhochschule
- SONY Classical Pianist
- CEO & Artistic Director an der EON International Music Academy & beim EON International Music Festival & Competition
- Offizielles Mitglied beim "Review Committee for Arts Council Korea"
Eugene as ‘Concert Pianist’
Described as ‘magical and mesmerizing’, ’her Chopin touches people’s heart and soul’ ( Frankfurt Allgemeiner Zeitung), and having a ‘charismatic stage presence multiplied by her personal charm’,( Frankfurter Neue Presse) ‘formidable technique and exceptional sensitivity’ (The Piano) EUGENE CHOI is a pianist of iron will, utmost devotion and romantic inspiration. Today EUGENE CHOI, exclusive artist of SONY Classical and a piano faculty at Kalaidos Musikhochschule in Zürich, Switzerland is busy with her new project – ‘International Online Music Academy ‘EugeneONmusic’. Ms.Choi started her performing career, presenting her first solo recital at the age of 8 in Seoul, Korea, followed by her official debut in Korea as a soloist with Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra at the age 11. At 16, Eugene made USA Debut as a Soloist with the Boston Pops Orchestra at the Boston Symphony Hall with Maestro Keith Lockhart, as well as with Maestro Benjamin Zander in Jordan Hall, Boston. Again at age 20 in Jordan hall she has played with Maestro Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Chopin’s f minor piano concerto. The list of orchestras which she has collaborated with continued, with re-engagements with Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra 20 years after her debut, at Seoul Art Center, Süddeutsche Kammerorchester’ in Germany, many national and state orchestras in Korea such as Busan, Inchon, Kyunggi, Gwangju, Daegu, Eurasian philharmonic Orchestras to name just a few. Ms. Choi performed her numerous solo recitals in world-renowned festivals such as Rheingau, Weilburg, Varazdin, Opatia, Kotor, Montenegro, Lyubliana, Holzhausenschlöschen, Holzhausenschlöschen, Augusburger Mozartiade, Chopin Gesellschaft, Steinway series, Bechstein concert series, as well as 7 consecutive appearances at Alte Oper Frankfurt among others, which led to a selection as ‘The 11th most important person in Frankfurt', published in an article “50 most important people in Frankfurt”, by monthly magazine ‘Journal of Frankfurt’, a list that included such personalities as the CEO of Deutsche Bank ( the 1st) and the president of Alte Oper ( 7th ). Eugene’s magnificent, magical, highly refined yet intelligent performances have brought attention among the artistic consultants of the Korean government, brining her to the stages celebrating diplomatic ties between Republic of Korea and Luxemburg, Serbia as well as Norway. Her concert as a soloist for the Grieg’s Piano concerto brought her rave reviews such as ‘ comparable to the performance of world-famous pianist Leif Ove Andnes’. Also her performance at Serbia’s Great Kolarac Hall, Belgrade, brought her an offer from Radio Television of Serbia for a CD production, subsequently a Sony Classical CD release of “Franz Liszt: Reflections” in 2011. This album and promotional tours have received rave reviews from critics and general public alike. Especially her performance of ‘Fantasy on the two motives from the ‘Marriage of Figaro’ was praised as ‘ not worse than the performance by the late Russian Maestro ‘ Grigory Ginsburg’, ‘ her luminous and flexible cantabile was the best after that of ‘Wilhelm Kempf’ etc. Ms.Choi has graduated from Yewon School of Art ( Seoul, Korea) with the highest honor ( given to 1 student out of 180 students), then New England Conervatory’s Preparatory School & Walnut Hill School of Arts, graduated also with the highest honor ( Francis C. Lanier Award). She has continued with her further studies at NEC, winning the entire competitions hosted at the conservatory, which resulted in her playing with Honors’ orchestra as well as graduating from both Bachelor’s & Master’s degree with the highest honors ( selected as a Soloist with the NEC Honors’ orchestra and the ‘Commencement concert orchestra).
Eugene as a Pedagogue
Ms. Choi has been extremely successful in musical academia as well. After finishing her studies in Boston, Eugene entered the Hochschule für Music und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main in Germany to study with Prof. Dr. Lev Natochenny. Right after graduating ‘Konzertexamen’ “Par Excellence”, she was hired by Prof. Dr. Natochenny as his teaching assistant. During the 10 years of teaching the class ‘Meisterklasse Lev Natochenny’, Ms Choi has gained the essential knowledge and experience in pedagogy and most importantly, partook in the dedication, sharing and helping students in needs. Ms Choi has been invited as a ‘guest professor’ to various master classes including’ Belgrade Music University’, ‘Hyundai Ondream Ensemble’,‘Yewon Art School’, ‘Open Piano Forum’ in Korea, International master class series at ‘Schlossmusikakademie, in Landes Hessen’( Germany), ‘Talent Music Summer’ ( Italia), Classical Hugs ( USA) etc. In the last few years, she has served as Director of Academy & Professor in residence in several festivals in European countries: ’Festival Gegen den Strom’ (Germany) and ‘Piano Loop Academy’ in Split, Croatia, and Director of ‘Lev Natochenny International piano Institute’, which gave her firm foundation and capability to create her own institution “International Online Music Academy ‘EugeneONmusic’ ( EONmusic). Her enthusiastic, emphatic, passionate, flexible and encouraging pedagogic approach and caring personality have helped many students at all levels. This new Eugene Choi's project – EONmusic, ”Extraordinary Online Network" – is destined to become a significant addition to the world of Music.