In the research project supported by Innosuisse, ETH Zurich, the pianist Ingolf Wunder and the "Music" and "Applied Psychology" research departments of Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences are investigating the question of how artificial intelligence can be used to study interpretation and musicality.
It is the interpretation that brings music to life, as the soul and spirit of the work. But what actually is interpretation?
In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), the fundamental questions of HOW and WHY are becoming increasingly central.
Why does the interpretation of musician X touch us, while the same work played by musician Y leaves us completely cold?
Often, different interpretations of a work differ only by minimal changes to the musical text.
Despite the enormous importance of this foundation of interpretation, many fundamental interpretive questions (e.g. in a music degree) are taught mostly or only with human measuring points that can be influenced very subjectively.
The research project aims to gain deeper insights (initially based on the piano music of Frédéric Chopin) that will be used to enable technological means (especially AI) to gain deeper insight into the subject of musical interpretation and improve the learning process.