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People (6)

Prof. Dr. Jörn Basel

Dozent an der Kalaidos FH und Dozent für Wirtschaftspsychologie, Psychologiestudium in Heidelberg, Promotion an der ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin.

Business Psychology | Change Management | Consumer Psychology | Mental Health | Nudging | Organizational Development | Psychology | Psychology | Psychology | Strategic Management | Stress

Lydia Benecke


Dozierende Allgemeine und Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Profile, Fallanalysen, Terrorismus/Amoklauf, Gewalt

Mental Health

Philippa Dengler

Inhaberin und Geschäftsführerin der Conscha GmbH, Absolventin des Master of Science FH in Wirtschaftspsychologie (Kalaidos FH)

Business Psychology | Career | Mental Health | Psychology | Psychology | Psychology | Psychology of Learning

Salomé Egloff

Autorin Kalaidos Blog

Business Psychology | Collaboration | Human Resource Management | Mental Health | Psychology | Psychology | Recruitment | Team Building | Team Spirit

Eva Luciano

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in Wirtschaftspsychologie

Business Psychology | Mental Health | Perception | Psychology

Regula von Büren

Leiterin Themenfeld Bildung Beisheim Stiftung

Business Psychology | Consumer Psychology | Digitalization | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Mental Health | Psychology | Psychology | Psychology | Sustainability
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