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People (5)

Peter Bauer

Fachlicher Leiter, Dozent und Referent für Masterarbeiten

Banking | Business Administration | Communication | Market Research | Marketing

Tashi Gumbatshang

Dozent für Wirtschaftspsychologie

Applied Psychology | Banking | Behavioural Economics | Business Administration | Business Psychology | Industrial Psychology | Market Research | Organisational Psychology | Psychology

Dr. Ursina Mögerle

Programm Managerin am Institut für Distance Learning (IDL)

Applied Psychology | Business Psychology | Customer Satisfaction | Market Research | Psychology | Psychology

Iva Sedlak

Dozentin am Departement Wirtschaft

Applied Psychology | Business Psychology | Consumer Psychology | Economy | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Leadership | Market Research | Organisational Psychology | Organizational Development | Psychology

Benjamin Tal

Business Engineer bei Zürcher Kantonalbank

Business Psychology | Consumer Psychology | Market Research | Psychology | Psychology
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