Hearing protection for amateur formations
Many amateur musicians (especially in carnival bands, brass bands and bands with electronic amplification) are exposed to sound levels when playing that are potentially damaging to hearing. But despite widespread knowledge about the risk of harm, hearing protection practice is still not sufficiently established in Switzerland. The aim of this study is therefore to find out a) what the current hearing protection practice is among amateur musicians in carnival bands, brass bands and band formations, b) which factors (technical, cognitive, social) influence hearing protection practice among amateur musicians, and c) to provide a basis for future BAG (the Federal Office of Public Health) information campaigns among amateur musicians. The study is a continuation of the BAG study (2016) on public hearing protection.
Project title
Hearing protection for amateur musicians
Cooperation with the Swiss Wind Band Association (Verband Schweizerischer Blasmusiken, SBV).
Funding by the Federal Office of Public Health, FOPH (Bundesamt für Gesundheit, BAG).
Project duration
November 2018 to March 2020