People who make music are often exposed to high sound levels when playing. However, well-founded hearing protection management is rarely part of the education at music schools and colleges. With this project, we would like to make the music-making public more aware of hearing protection and encourage the topic to be anchored in music schools and universities of music. On the one hand, we survey the current hearing protection practice and best practice examples at schools and, on the other hand, we develop target group-specific measures for information and behavioural change. To this end, we seek cooperation with music schools, colleges and the corresponding professional associations.

Project title

Hearing protection when making music (development, implementation and evaluation of measures - sub-division music schools and universities of music)


Göhner Foundation
Foundation for Pupils (Schüler-Stiftung)
Zurich Foundation for Hearing

Project duration

April 2020 to September 2021



Project management

Prof. Dr. Michael Bühler

Head of Kalaidos University of Music
Prof. Dr. Michael Bühler

Prof. Dr. Michael Bühler

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