Die Careum Hochschule Gesundheit freut sich über einen neuen Doktortitel im Team Lehre: Wir gratulieren Studiengangsleiterin Marianne Frech zur erfolgreichen Promotion!

Am 26. Juni 2022 hat Studiengangsleiterin Dr. Marianne Frech ihre Dissertation «Defining Support for Young Carers in Switzerland: Impact and Outcomes of their Caring Role and their Needs for Support. Development of a Theoretical Understanding of Support Approaches, Interventions and Provision» erfolgreich verteidigt und darf sich nun Doktorin der Philosophie (Dr. phil.) nennen.

Die Dissertation wurde am Institut für Pflegewissenschaft der Universität Wien eingereicht. Betreut wurde die Arbeit von namhaften Expert:innen auf dem Gebiet: Ass. Prof. Mag. Dr. Martin Nagl-Cupal (A), Prof. Dr. iur. Agnes Leu (CH) und Prof. Dr. Saul Becker (UK).

Dr. Marianne Frechs Werdegang ist ein schönes Beispiel, wie sich Praxis, Lehre und Forschung an der Hochschule erfolgreich miteinander verbinden und weiterbringen: als Pflegeexpertin mit fundierter Berufserfahrung, als innovative Lehrperson und engagierte Studiengangsleiterin, als langjährige Forschungsmitarbeiterin im Team «Young Carers».

Es handelt sich um eine kumulative Dissertation in Englisch mit folgenden vier Publikationen:

  • Frech, M., Nagl-Cupal, M., Leu, A., Schulze, G. C., Spittel, A.-M., & Kaiser, S. (2019). Who are „Young Carers”? Analysis of the Use of the Term in German Speaking Countries and Development of a Definition / Wer sind Young Carers? Analyse der Begriffsverwendung im deutschsprachigen Raum und Entwicklung einer Definition. International Journal of Health Professions, 6(1), 19-31. https://doi.org/10.2478/ijhp-2019-0004
  • Leu, A., Wepf, H., Sempik, J., Nagl-Cupal, M., Becker, S., Jung, C., & Frech, M. (2020). Caring in mind? Professionals' awareness of young carers and young adult carers in Switzerland. Health & Social Care in the Community. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13061
  • Frech, M., Wepf, H., Nagl-Cupal, M., Becker, S., & Leu, A. (2021). Ready and able? Professional awareness and responses to young carers in Switzerland. Children and Youth Services Review, 106027. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106027
  • Frech, M., Berger, F., Rabhi-Sidler, S., Nagl-Cupal, M., Becker, S. and Leu, A. (2021) How professional support for young carers benefits from a salutogenic approach, 00(00): 1–20, International Journal of Care and Caring. https://doi.org/10.1332/239788221X16196023939801

Wir beglückwünschen Dr. Marianne Frech zu dieser tollen Leistung und freuen uns mit ihr!

Abstract: The relevance of adult relatives or person close providing informal care for a family member suffering from chronic disease as well as impairment, frailty or substance abuse is well recognized. Yet, the awareness towards Swiss young people with caring responsibilities is still little. The international research discourse shows a growing data base and understanding about these so-called young carers or young adult carers. In Switzerland, their situation and challenges have not been in the focus of research and practice until recently. It may be assumed that these children and young adults play also a significant role in delivering familial care, support and assistance like in other countries.
This PhD research project aims to highlight the different outcomes of the caring role of young carers, young adult carers on their lives and their need for support by developing model of support for the professional context. The data gathered will help to develop an understanding of the influencing factors of support approaches, interventions and its provision.
A multi-methods approach is being used. The project consists of three parts, namely a theoretical analysis of the concept of young carers used in German speaking countries (1), a quantitative analysis of an existing set of data from professionals from education, health care and social service sectors (2) and a qualitative study with interviews conducted in families with young carers, young adult carers (3). The national knowledge of potential repercussions influencing the lives of young carers as well as their families will be increased. The findings will be transferred into implications for policy makers as well as recommendations regarding the development of support.

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