Continuing education for recovery helpers
Careum Research has evaluated two continuing education courses aimed at people with experience of mental illness and recovery as well as psychiatric treatment.
Since 2014, Pro Mente Sana has been offering the “Recovery Fundamente” (Foundations for recovery) continuing education course in collaboration with the EX-IN association (Experienced Involvement) Bern. This continuing education course is aimed at people with experience of mental illness and recovery as well as psychiatric treatment.
The idea is to help these people secure the foundations for their recovery. This means increasing confidence in their own capabilities, building self-confidence and a sense of agency, and encouraging people to exercise their emotions. The offer covers six two-day modules spread over six months.
And after the “Recovery Fundamente” (Foundations for recovery) continuing education course, people can then take the “Peer Qualifikation” (Peer qualification) continuing education course. The intention is for people with experience of psychiatry to reflect on their experiences and develop a level of expertise on the back of this. Having reflected on their personal experiences, they should then be able to use these to help others in a variety of roles (e.g. as experts by virtue of experience, as peers, or as someone to accompany others on the road to recovery). The continuing education course covers seven three-day modules. A placement must also be completed.
The continuing education courses are being run at Psychiatriezentrum Linthgebiet and Psychiatrische Dienste Aargau from September 2015 to November 2016.
Careum Research is responsible for a concurrent scientific evaluation of the continuing education courses. The evaluation combines both quantitative and qualitative survey methods. The methods used are based on the evaluation of the EX-IN (Experienced Involvement) continuing education courses and the “Recovery Fundamente” (Foundations for recovery) and “Peer Qualifikation” (Peer qualification) continuing education courses from 2014. Standardised questionnaires are used to record changes in the state of health of participants and how they perceive themselves as well as changes in terms of their hopefulness, sense of agency, recovery, and resistance to stigma. The satisfaction levels, personal development, and employment prospects of participants are recorded during interviews involving focus groups.
Project team
Careum Research: Anna Hegedüs
External Funding
The evaluation is funded by Psychiatrische Dienste Aargau and Psychiatrische-Dienste Süd.
Hegedüs, A. (2017) Evaluation «Recovery Fundamente» und «Peer Qualifikation» 2015-2016. Schlussbericht für die Pro Mente Sana, die Psychiatrischen Dienste Aargau und das Psychiatrie-Zentrum Linthgebiet. Download